Project Manager This job has ended. You cannot apply anymore.

Posted on 24 Jul, 2022
Closing on 13 Aug, 2022

Job Description


Terms of Reference

Division: Programs. 
Location: Sana’a.
Reports to: Health & Nutrition Program Manager

About the Organization: 

YFCA is a leading, Humanitarian, non-Governmental, non-Profit, non-denominational and impartial Organization established in 1976 to improve women and child health. Dramatic changes in YFCA mandate were introduced gradually to accommodate the emerging needs of women, children, youth, and vulnerable groups. From that Health perspective, YFCA programs incorporate wider thematic interventions including WASH, Shelter, and Nutrition, Food Security, Agriculture and Livelihood, Education, Early Recovery, and Protection. To pursue its unchanging humanitarian mission, YFCA will thoughtfully continue its expansion process to respond to the ever-changing needs of affected communities and vulnerable groups.


Responsible for management of a health project. To pursue resource mobilization opportunities aligned to interventions and capacities of the organization in humanitarian and development sectors. To provide technical leadership and quality control in the management, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of concerned project.   


  • Ensures day-to-day project management and direct support to project related activities, including support to health service delivery, trainings and other events: undertakes logistical administrative and financial arrangements, in consultation with the H&N Program Manager. 
  • Oversee/conduct a rapid and need assessments to determine priority activities and allocate the corresponding resources. 
  • Ensures timely reports to donors, further resource mobilization and development of project proposals.
  • Manage project budget in coordination with finance team and donor technical focal point. 
  • In coordination with Project Assistant, drafts various documents to help with monitoring implementation of projects (e.g., summary table of verifying documents, summary table of overall programmatic expenditures, determination of funds utilization; checks FACE forms and other program related finance reports). 
  • Supports preparation and organization of procurement processes including RfQ, RfP, receipt of quotations, bids or proposals. 
  • Maintain the quality of the project deliverables by ensuring the application of effective risk management plan, securing the compliance pre-requisites, and respond to the monitoring findings & recommendations. 
  • Develop weekly and monthly work plans to achieve the program’s expected results.
  • Participate in regular meeting with the donor, the other partners and concerned stakeholders.  
  • Provide direction and support to project team.
  • Daily follow-up of implementation of project activities.
  • Monitor progress on project activity, results, and indicators
  • Manage, guide and supervise the project staff.
  • Supervise the development and distribution of culturally appropriate IEC materials to address a wide variety of health issues.
  • Maintain regular supply of the targeted health facilities with the required consumables. 
  • Any additional duties as requested by the supervisor. 

Technical Support

  • Assist the logistics department in procurement of drug/medical supply/medical equipment by providing specification for requested items;
  • Provide regular supervision of supported facilities including data collection/records of beneficiaries and program activities, as well as timely implementation and reaching targets according to program objectives;
  • Constantly monitor and report on progress of the project to his/her supervisor, Donor’s health officer and other stakeholders
  • Organize and conduct joint multifunctional team monitoring visits;
  • Monitor program implementation and ensure accurate, timely data collection;
  • Ensure linkages and integration of community mobilization activities and health facilities services;
  • Maintain program files.

Human Resources

  • Organize the structure of the team in line with budget limitation, standardized positions and implementation strategy.
  • Coordinate with HR department in the development of TOR, advertising of jobs, pre-selection of candidates, tests and interviews.
  • Ensures the development of the staff through proactive and continuous improvement of staff capacities and team dynamic through mentoring, coaching, training and appraisal
  • Day to day management of staffs: leave requests, planning etc.


  • Procurement: organize the procurement planning process, launch procurements through clean, timely and accurate order forms, follow up with logistics the ongoing procurements.
  • Quality control: participate in the quality checking of all samples at selection and delivery stages and provide timely and accurate feedback to the Logistic department.
  • Stock: follow up the project stocks in coordination with the Logistic department and the Field Coordinators: monitor current, upcoming, distributed, required and final remaining stock.
  • Fleet: contributes to the effective fleet management in coordination with the logistic department through accurate and timely planning of vehicle request.
  • Assets: ensure the availability of the required assets for the team including communication means and control.


  • Budget management: initial and regular (monthly) forecasting of costs and crosscheck expenditures, taking into consideration potential delays. Timely and accurate requests for cash in coordination with the Finance department.
  • Budget development: participate in the development on new project budget through the provision of expert programmatic advice related to contextual knowledge in coordination with the project development department.

Qualifications, Experience, & Skills;

  • Bachelor’s degree in Medicine required.
  • Two years of relevant work experience. Experience in managing Reproductive Health projects is considered an advantage. 
  • At least 2 years in project management at a senior position.
  • Proven experience managing large scale programming and good knowledge of budget management tools.
  • Proven experience in managing several teams in different sectors. Strong interest for management and capacity building.
  • Proven experience in managing resilience-based programming including livelihood component.
  • Proven experience of support to civil society organizations.
  • Proven experience of managing food basket's distribution programming.
  • Experience in reporting and external relations.
  • Result oriented, strategic thinking personality.
  • Excellent English skills, both oral and written.
  • Excellent computer literacy, including MSOffice (Word and Excel).

How to Apply

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