Consultant - Project Final Evaluation This job has ended. You cannot apply anymore.

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Posted on 31 Mar, 2024
Closing on 15 Apr, 2024

Job Description

Job Title: Consultant, LN

Location: Yemen - Sana’a, YE (Primary)

Yemen Office: Aden

Category: Consultant

Date Needed By: 5/12/2024

Program Description (Background)

International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs. Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance

Scope of Work (SOW)

Job Title: Consultant - Project Final Evaluation


The Evaluation will assess the entire program period since its inception in April 2022 and will assess its completeness and effectiveness, deliverables, and achievements realized, and take stock of attributed positive and unintended negative changes. Moreover, the Evaluation consultant shall refer (DAC) criteria to the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, coherence, and sustainability of the implemented project. Additionally, the evaluation should also assess gender equality outcomes. The project evaluation should include recommendations for further actions necessary in the field. Therefore, the Consultant is expected to provide information about success factors and recommendations for improvement areas.


The evaluation process will be directly implemented and managed by the selected consultancy/firm in collaboration with International Medical Corps Yemen. The MEAL Coordinator, with technical support and guidance from country sector Leads, Program Director, and the Technical Unit at HQ, will monitor its implementation and provide quality assurance throughout the process. 

Key Roles and Responsibilities of the Consultant  

  • Design an appropriate evaluation methodology based on an understanding of the expectations of these terms of reference (ToR).  
  • Conduct extensive document reviews, meetings with IMC staff, perform data analysis, produce high-quality report, and possibly a learning meeting.  
  • Mobilize resources to implement the evaluation and achieve all its deliverables. 
  • Develop the end-line evaluation plan, including developing a detailed methodology and data collection and analysis tools. Incorporate feedback from the IMC as required. This will be submitted to IMC as an inception report that MUST be approved by IMC before proceeding with data collection. 
  • Conduct meetings with key IMC Program and Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning (MEAL) staff to further understand the project and evaluation objectives. 
  • Undertake a detailed desk review of program documents including available secondary data.  
  • If a Yemeni based consultant or can travel to Yemen, the consultant will train enumerators and selected IMC staff who will be contributing to the evaluation. In this case, all costs related to hiring, training, allowances/salaries of the enumerators should be included in the consultant’s financial offer. 
  • If non-Yemeni consultant and tasks will be completed remotely, train IMC focal points who will then train hired enumerators with remote participation of the consultant. In this case, all costs related to hiring, training, allowances/salaries of the enumerators MUST not be included in the consultant’s financial offer. These costs would be covered separately by IMC. 
  • The consultant will lead field data collection, management, and analysis. 
  • Write and share inception and final reports that incorporate feedback from reviewers.  
  • Present key findings and recommendations to IMC senior management team.  
  • Final evaluation report that is presentable to the donor and key stakeholders, with all comments from the SMT team addressed. 

Roles and Responsibilities of International Medical Corps

  • IMC will be responsible for information sharing and arranging meetings of different stakeholders (excluding the beneficiaries) as will be determined in the inception report. 
  • IMC will also lead or support the hiring of local enumerators and as well as coordination with all sampled stakeholders including GHO, DHO, public figures, and communities. 
  • IMC teams will further provide quality assurance during fieldwork.  


  • Inception meeting   
  • Desk Review completed 
  • Draft Inception Report and data collection tools submitted to IMC 
  • Final inception report and data collection tools submitted to IMC 
  • Research assistants/Enumerators completed 
  • Quantitative and qualitative data Collection Completed 
  • Data Analysis and Draft first report    
  • Revision of the draft report and submission of the final version 
  • Presentation of Final findings/Report



Overall Approach

A mixed method of qualitative and quantitative approach should be considered for this evaluation. However, the consultant will determine or advise on specific methods and tools appropriate to the local context to guarantee quality of data and the overall report. This will range from desk review of secondary data, structured questionnaire survey, and focused semi structured or guided interviews such as Focus Group Discussions and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs). Attempts should be made to collect data from different sources by different methods for each evaluation question and findings be triangulated to draw valid and reliable conclusions. The gender dimension should be considered as a cross-cutting concern throughout the methodology, deliverables, and final report of the evaluation. 

Sampling Design and Sample size

Questionnaire Survey

The sampling frame is the entire catchment population of the targeted locations, estimated at 69,964, and the sample size should achieve a 95% confidence level and a 5% margin of error, appropriate design effect, and calculating the sample size for different study variables, with selection of the maximum sample size applicable. The consultant should develop a comprehensive sampling strategy using a statistically valid formula that collects representative data of the population of interest. The sample size should be gender-balance (50% female and 50% male).

Sampling for Key Informant Interviews

  • IMC Program and Management (6 KII) ; Deputy Director- Health, Nutrition Coordinator, Program Coordinator, Program Manager (Health and Nutrition), 3 field staff involved in direct implementation of the program.
  • Health facility-based Workers (6 KII): Doctors, Nurses, and midwife in Lahj governorate. 
  • Governmental stakeholders (3 KII): 1 GHO, and 3 DHOs in Lahj governorate. 
  • Community and IDPs leaders/ public figures(3 KII):  2 community and 1 IDP leaders in Lahj governorate.

Sampling for Focused Group Discussions

  • 10 FGDs in Lahj with male and female both host communities and IDPs

Data Collection Methods and Tools
Selected consultant should provide an elaborate description of most appropriate data collection methods and tools to be used, with possible considerations of IMC’s initial tools used for baseline assessment.

Data Quality Management
Data quality and implementation quality assurance approaches are anticipated to be key part of the methodology. The selected consultant should provide an elaborate description of measures that will be taken to ensure data quality, including mitigating foreseen biases. Suggested measures include but not limited to ensuring that enumerators are properly trained and supervised, leveraging technologies and mobile-based platforms, data validation techniques, piloting data collection tools, and pretesting prior to fieldwork among others. 

Data Analysis
Selected consultant should provide an elaborate description of methods and tools that will be applied to analysis statistical (quantitative) and qualitative data, including how results and findings will be presented.

Possible limitations based on context
Selected consultant should provide an elaborate description of limitations associated with the proposed methods, tools, and approaches, and measures that will be put in place mitigate the influence/impact of those limitations. Note, this section should not dwell on describing challenges!

Evaluation Criteria 
The following broad DAC evaluation criteria must be addressed in the evaluation framework.


  • To what extent did the project respond to the diverse needs and priorities of women, men, and gender-diverse individuals within the target population? 
  • Were the project objectives aligned with the priorities of the donor and the specific health and nutrition challenges faced by the target communities? 
  • To what extent did the project consider gender disparities and promote gender equality within its health and nutrition interventions? 
  • Was climate change considered in project design? 


  • To what extent were the set project outcomes and intermediate outcomes met, and what internal and external factors influenced the achievement or non-achievement of those outcomes? 
  • Did the project effectively address the specific health and nutrition challenges faced by women, children, and other vulnerable groups in conflict-affected areas? 
  • To what extent did the project contribute to addressing gender-related barriers? Do results (effects of activities and outputs) affect women, men, girls, and boys differently? If so, why and in which way? 
  • To what extent did the project incorporate gender-sensitive approaches to enhance the effectiveness of health and nutrition services and outcomes? 
  • To what extent did the project adopt environmentally- friendly strategies/solutions to achieve its objectives, there has been evidence exists regarding deliverables and achievement? 


  • To what extent demonstrated/delivered value for money? Have resources (financial, human, time, expertise, etc.) been allocated strategically and efficiently to achieve the expected results? 
  • Have the project funds and activities been delivered promptly? If not, why? What steps were taken to mitigate the problems?
  • The extent to which the project has leveraged resources/collaborated with other projects?


  • To what extent are the benefits of the project likely to be sustained after the completion of this project? How has the project supported the government and other partners in developing capacities and mechanisms to ensure ownership and scale-up of interventions?   
  • How effective were the exit strategies, and approaches to phase out assistance provided by the project including contributing factors and constraints - what are the recommendations for similar support in the future? (NB: The recommendations should provide comprehensive proposals for future interventions based on the current evaluation findings).
  • Is the intervention transformative – does it create enduring changes in norms – including gender and disability norms – and systems, whether intended or not?

Coordination / Coherence  

  • How did the project take advantage of existing coordination mechanisms and complementarities/synergies with other partners in the field to avoid gaps, duplication, and conflicts? 
  • What gaps were identified and addressed by partners in the field?


  • What were the intended and unintended positive and negative impacts of the project as perceived by beneficiaries?
  • Did all the intended target groups, including the most disadvantaged and vulnerable, (women and people living with disabilities) benefit equally from the intervention?

Lessons learned and replicability

  • What are some of the key lessons learned because of this project that can be shared and replicated?
  • How was data, information, learning, or knowledge of the project managed during the project life?

Job Description

Not Applicable

Job Requirements

Please refer to the Scope of Work above to view this Individual Consultancy details and requirements.

Additional Technical or Language Requirements

Please note, for Yemen-based roles, we are only able to accept applications from candidates who are eligible to work in Yemen. Since the position is a national role, we are unable to progress applications that would require sponsorship International Medical Corps never asks job applicants for a fee, payment, or other monetary transaction. If you are asked for money in connection with this recruitment, please report to International Medical Corps at the website provided at the end of this document. Website for reporting misconduct: Please do not submit your CV or application to this website, it will not be considered for review


As applicable to this position, an individual must promote and encourage a culture of compliance and ethics throughout the organization and maintain a clear understanding of International Medical Corps’ and donor compliance and ethics standards and adheres to those standards. Staff are also responsible for preventing violations to our Code of Conduct and Ethics, which may involve Conflicts of Interest, Fraud, Corruption or Harassment. If you see, hear or are made aware of any violations to the Code of Conduct and Ethics or Safeguarding Policy, you have an obligation to report. If this is a supervisory position, one must set an example of ethical behavior through one’s own conduct and oversight of the work of others; ensure that those who report to you have sufficient knowledge and resources to follow the standards outlined in the Code of Conduct & Ethics; monitor compliance of the people you supervise; enforce the Code of Conduct & Ethics and International Medical Corps’ policies, including the Safeguarding Policy and the Protection from Harassment, Bullying and Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace Policy, consistently and fairly; support employees who in good faith raise questions or concerns.


It is all staff shared responsibility and obligation to safeguard and protect populations with whom we work, including adults who may be particularly vulnerable and children. This includes safeguarding from the following conduct by our staff or partners: sexual exploitation and abuse; exploitation, neglect, or abuse of children, adults at risk, and any form of trafficking in persons.


International Medical Corps is proud to provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, disability or status as a veteran.

How to Apply

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