Database Officer This job has ended. You cannot apply anymore.

Handicap Int'l Logo
Posted on 14 Sep, 2023
Closing on 21 Sep, 2023

Job Description



HI have been intervening in Yemen on and off for the last 12 years, with its actions initially focused on development issues, notably through the support to the development of physical and functional rehabilitation services for people with disabilities as well as through the capacity-building of the national networks of Yemen Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs). 
Since 2015, HI interventions have been adapted to the current context of conflict in Yemen. With the support of different donors, HI has been supporting two hospitals and one physical and functional rehabilitation centre in Sana'a City, building the capacities of their key staff in early rehabilitation care and psychological first aid (including specifically for children), supplying rehabilitation equipment, and directly providing functional rehabilitation care and psychosocial support to war affected people (including through the donation of assistive devices and provision of Prosthesis). In 2017, these activities have extended to new facilities in and around Sana’a.
In parallel, HI implements inclusive humanitarian action, by increasingly piloting inclusive interventions and promoting disability inclusive coordination and programming through the coordination system and the inclusion task force, and technical support and capacity development to UN agencies, NGO’s and increasingly networks and focal points of persons with disabilities and awareness raising activity with communities.
HI activities are very consolidated in Sana’a governorate, Aden, which opened in 2019, and Mokha, which started implementing in 2020. Activities in Hajjah have been launched early 2022, and Hodeida activities are expected to start in 2022.

Under the responsibility of the Project Manager, The Database Officer ensures the use of data management tools on the project(s) and/or in the geographical area(s) of intervention to which  he/she is assigned, as defined in the data management system framework established by MEAL Manager. He or she controls the quality of the different data transiting the system.

Missions / responsibilities

Mission 1  : Operational implementation

Responsibility 1: Contributes to the development of tools

  • Participates in the development of data collection  forms (paper or mobile data collection  (MDC));
  • Creates the corresponding databases;
  • Carries  out tests on the input and extraction of data.

Responsibility 2: Supervises (or carries out) data inputting

  • Trains and supports the teams responsible for inputting data from paper forms into the database (in the case  of paper data collection)  or the field teams in charge of the day-to-day use of MDC tools when available;
  • Ensures that  the data in the database is up-to-date or regularly  synchronised;
  • Inputs  data, if the organisation requires.

Responsibility 3: Carries our data processing and cleaning

  • Centralises information and compiles the updated version  of the database;
  • Sets  up and runs a regular series of tests to check the quality of the data and identify potential errors;
  • Takes appropriate action  to correct or neutralise identified errors; 
  • Develops mechanisms to automate quality testing as much as possible;
  • Performs regular or on-demand data extractions;
  • Puts simple calculations in place on the database to perform first level analyses or prepares more complex analyses.

Responsibility 4: Archives the databases

  • During the course of the project,  makes regular backups and archives the intermediate versions of the databases;
  • At the end of the project,  prepares and archives the final version  of the databases and  deletes the intermediary versions in the different storage spaces.

Responsibility 5: Identifies  measures to improve data quality

  • In conjunction with the project  teams and the MEAL teams, proposes measures to improve  data quality.
  • Monitors  and alerts if errors  occur during  a data collection  exercise so that  corrective action  can be taken and future errors  limited.

Responsibility 6: Transmits relevant monitoring information to the programme’s information system 

  • Writes regular reports on the monitoring & evaluation of the activities conducted.
  • Archive projects MoV. 

Mission 2:    Emergency preparedness  and response

Contributes to the programme’s emergency preparedness actions and, in an emergency, adapts his or her working methods to contribute to an effective humanitarian approach by HI.

Other skills

Professional skills: MEAL/IM profession






Results and indicators monitoring




Planning and coordination of qualitative and quantitative surveys, dissemination of findings




Project evaluation




Accountability to populations: participatory, non- discriminatory and responsible approaches




Learning lessons from experience and continuous learning




Information management strategy, data structuring and data quality




Quantitative and qualitative data collection, qualitative analysis




Responsible data management




Statistical analysis and data visualisation




     Emergency  preparedness and response skills 






Emergency response




Emergency monitoring and preparedness




Skills shared  with other professions







Project management

Planning, monitoring and coordination




Information Systems


Use of my profession’s information





Information Systems


IT fundamentals





Personal security management




  Cross-sector skills 






Frameworks and references




Office and collaborative tools





Stress management




Working in a global organisation




Language skills








Language of the country












 Required for the function:

Qualifications: Degree in computer science specialising in data management /information management

Job Conditions

  • The salary will be defined according to HI’s existing salary scale
  • 30 days leave/year + benefits (transport allowance, health insurance, life insurance)
  • The working hours are the following: 8:00 to 16:30 (with 30 minutes lunch break) from Sunday to Thursday.
  • Note that working time can go up to 48 hours per week (according to the Yemen labor law) if it is required by the volume of activities and by the line manager.   

How to Apply

How to apply has been removed becuase this job has ended. If this is a special case, please contact us and we will help.

Important Notes / مقترحات هامة

Following the instructions on How to apply will always increase your chances of getting your application looked at.
إتباع تعليمات التقديم المذكورة في كل إعلان ستزيد من فرصة النظر لسيرتك الذاتية من قبل الجهة المعلنة
If you’re applying by email, make sure you mention the job title in the “Subject” field of your message
تذكر أن تكتب إسم الوظيفة و موقعها في عنوان البريد عندما يكون التقديم عبر الإيميل