Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Supervisor This job has ended. You cannot apply anymore.

Job Description
Date: March 20th, 2024
VACANCY: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) (1 position)
- Position status: Full time
- Location: Ad Dahi Hospital – Ad Dahi District, Hodeida Governorate
- Contract duration: 1-year contract with a probation period
Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, humanitarian, non-governmental organization providing assistance to people in need as a result of natural and man-made disasters, irrespective of race, religion, ideology, or politics.
Main Purpose
Plan, organize, implement, and supervise, monitor and analyze the results of an infection control program in a project or health facility, according to MSF protocols, safety and IPC measures, in order to ensure quality of care and safety of patients, caretakers, and staff.
- In collaboration with each service activity manager, maintain and support the day-to-day implementation by the ward supervisor of the standard precautions and risk assessment in health structures in all departments including sterilization, laundry, and kitchen.
- Based on a given patient-diagnosis, evaluate the need and support the implementation, if needed, for transmission-based precautions (air, droplet, contact and strict) in collaboration with the medical team and act accordingly.
- Implement and monitor adherence to transmission-based precautions for air, droplet, contact and strict transmissible diseases when indicated.
- Provide clinical and technical supervision, training, and support to the staff on IPC related issues using existing tools such as audits, checklists, surveillance.
- Support in the implementation as planned, the correct ‘clean and dirty flows’ inside the health facility.
- Ensure that organizational aspects in the facility are respected (bed spacing, number of handwashing stations etc.) and together with the Hospital Facilities Manager and Water health Sanitation Supervisor, that the essential requirements are available in the health structures.
- Guarantee compliance with aseptic care techniques and the correct use of antiseptics, detergent, and disinfectants, through training and audits.
- Ensure and check the consumption and the quality of IPC materials and equipment, including cleaning materials and equipment, PPE, etc.
- As the Leader of the Infection Prevention Control Committee, make sure the meeting is regular, lively, and proactive, supporting the development and following up the infection Prevention Control Action Plan.
- Participate in clinical management of nursing care in regard to IPC aspects.
- Elaborate regular reporting, and meeting minutes in order to have updated and reliable information about IPC activities.
- Supervising the team under his/her responsibility and participating in the associated HR processes (e.g. recruitment, training/induction, evaluation, potential detection, coaching, development and communication) in order to ensure both the sizing and the amount of knowledge required.
- Organize and coordinate the supervision of the team under his/her responsibility and participate in the associated HR processes of evaluation.
- Share regular feedback/ reports to the concerned Supervisors, NAM, MAM, MTL, PMR and staff as needed on positive and points to be improved.
MSF Section/Context Specific Accountabilities
- Perform SIPCA evaluation with workplan to be followed for improvement of IPC in the departments supported by MSF.
- Implementation of hand hygiene observation tool and support the staff to reach objectives.
- Establish and ensure regular meetings of the IPC committee in the hospital.
- Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) Surveillance (Conducts on-going investigation and documentation of infection through review of admission diagnoses, microbiology culture result, isolation orders, patient records and post-discharge surveillance, Conducts Risk Assessment in the project to identify those epidemiologically important infections, infection sites, and associated devices, procedures and practices, Collaborates with Antibiotic Stewardship Doctor in monitoring antibiotic use, MDRO and outbreak investigation and management.
- Under the supervision of the NAM, organize, communicate and prepares monthly statistical data and presentations & minutes of meeting/agenda in the infection control meetings.
- Prepare and follow up the annual Infection Control Action Plan.
- Performing hygiene & sterilization order monthly.
- Education: Bachelor’s degree in nursing & valid Nursing Licence from the Yemeni Medical Council.
- Experience: Previous working experience as IPC supervisor or quality of care focal person with MSF or other NGOs. More than 3 years of experience with MSF or other NGOs.
- Languages: Fluent in English and Arabic are essential.
- Knowledge: Essential computer literacy (word, excel and internet).
- Results and Quality Orientation L2
- Teamwork and Cooperation L2
- Behavioural Flexibility L2
- Commitment to MSF Principles L2
- Stress Management
How to Apply
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Important Notes / مقترحات هامة
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إتباع تعليمات التقديم المذكورة في كل إعلان ستزيد من فرصة النظر لسيرتك الذاتية من قبل الجهة المعلنة
إتباع تعليمات التقديم المذكورة في كل إعلان ستزيد من فرصة النظر لسيرتك الذاتية من قبل الجهة المعلنة
If you’re applying by email, make sure you mention the job title in the “Subject” field of your message
تذكر أن تكتب إسم الوظيفة و موقعها في عنوان البريد عندما يكون التقديم عبر الإيميل
تذكر أن تكتب إسم الوظيفة و موقعها في عنوان البريد عندما يكون التقديم عبر الإيميل

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