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Developing & Implementing of Yemen Microfinance Application Platform YMA - إنشاء وتطوير منصة وتطبيق للتمويل الأصغر في اليمن This tender has ended. You cannot apply anymore.

Posted on 07 Dec, 2022
Closing on 27 Dec, 2022
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Tender Details

Tender Name: Yemen Microfinance Application (YMA) Platform Development 

Tender No:  YIBS-0003

Bidders who have the intention to bid can get the tender package soft and hard copy from the location below, the representative MUST have a formal letter from the company entitled him/her to pick up the tender package.

Tender Package Pickup Location: Institute of Banking studies, Commercial Complex, Building 4, Floor 4, Haddah St., Sana’a, Yemen . 


Date & Time

Last day to Pick up Tender packages

15/ December / 2022

Last Day for Questions:

20/ December / 2022; Time:  02:00 (Sana’a Local Time)

All questions will be answered on 22/December/2022, and an online session will be set on the same day for further clarification.

Tenders Closing Date and Public tender opening.

27/ December / 2022; 11:00am

Contact person: Email: , Mobile: 770094406


The Yemen Institute of Banking studies (YIBS) was initiated in 1978 by a presidential decree which was circulated by Law No. (27) of 1978, with aims to improve the technical and professional competence of banks and financial institutions employees', spread the financial and banking culture and sciences, hence, to develop financial and banking services and improve access to finance in Yemen. 
The microfinance sector in Yemen suffers from the scarcity of electronic services provided to clients, in addition to a severe weakness in marketing their services, which leads to the ignorance of most of the public about the existence of financing services and financing destinations in Yemen.
The Institute of Banking Studies wants to introduce an application platform that will be designed to ease access to microfinance service providers in Yemen, help facilitate the process of introducing clients to the official financing agencies in Yemen, and link them together. The application will enable clients, including those entrepreneurs, small businesses, and the unemployed, to access the necessary information about microfinance service and e-wallets 

1.1    Project Overview

The Institute of Banking Studies is seeking a software development company to build an application platform (Android , IOS , Web) which will be designed to ease the access to microfinance service, e-wallets  providers in Yemen and help in facilitating the process of introducing clients to the official microfinance and e-wallet agencies in Yemen  The application will enable clients including those entrepreneurs, small businesses, and the unemployed to access the necessary information about microfinance and e-wallets service providers (products - services - fees - locations - contact numbers) from home and 24*7. This will enable them to apply for fund and choose suitable products/services based on the available information.

1.2    Project Scope:

The successful bidder shall develop the Yemen Microfinance Application (YMA) platform (Android application, IOS Application, and a Web application) with the details listed below.:

  • Analyze the requirements of the project and deliver the platform analysis documents such as (Sequence diagrams, ERD diagram).
  • Prepare a full branding and identity design for the platform including (Logo, Colors, Typography)
  • Prepare a project plan for the implementation of the platform. The plan must use a phased roll-out approach for implementation. Initially, starting with the Web platform, then the Android application, and finally developing the IOS application or as recommended by the bidders with justification.
  • Conduct interviews with some of the service providers (MFIs' and Banks) IT department to collect required information which will help to standardize API interface parameters in the development process.
  • Provide required interfaces that integrate the platform with MFI’s and Banks’ MIS systems.
  • Include a step-by-step user guide in the platform for the service provider and the visitors.
  • Provide local cloud hosting suitable for the platform and manage it. 
  • Provide SMS solution for the OTP verification.
  • Provide Warranty support for the platform deployed. 
  • Training the core team of YIBS to use the system and the maintenance of the source code.
  • Provide hand-holding support during roll-out. 
  • Modify/add user stories and the screens (design and layout) of the platform depending on the requirements which will appear after the deep analysis process. 
  • Implement, manage, maintain, and monitor the solution for the period of the contract. 
  • Submit a scheduled development plan of the platform and its deliverables included as detailed in the Timeline section
  • provide a certification of Penetration testing from a globally well-known agency accepted by YIBS management. 


Eligibility criteria must be met and the corresponding supporting documents listed below “Tender Submittals” must be submitted with proposals. 

Eligibility Criteria and supporting documents:

a.    The bidder must be legally registered company providing software development services and should provide copy of the Commercial Register certificate ((السجل التجاري, Updated Tax and Zakat Certificates (البطاقة الضريبية والزكوية سارية المفعول)
b.    The bidder must have a minimum of 2 years’ experience.
c.    The bidders should have sufficient programing team, at least 15 full time including business analyst, Data base administrator, Developers, and UI/UX ). also at least 3 key persons including project manager with at least 5 Years of experience, (should provide copy of salary sheet (amounts could be deleted) and the key persons CVs which illustrate their qualification and experiences).
d.    The bidder should have sufficient experience in deployment and implementation of similar projects and have already implemented at least 3 projects with an apps in google play and apple store (prove of links and references to clients and details should be provided).
e.    The bidder must have an office located in Sana’a (clear address should be provided).
f.    The bidder must have a functioning official website. 
g.    List of prior and/or current projects to illustrate capabilities.
h.    The bidder should not be prohibited parties or on government blacklisting

Important Notes / مقترحات هامة

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