Call for Proposals

Request for Proposals for Medical, Group Personal Accident and Life Insurance This tender has ended. You cannot apply anymore.

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Posted on 08 Nov, 2023
Closing on 23 Nov, 2023
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Tender Details

Request for Proposals (RFP)

Medical, Group Personal Accident and Life Insurance

RFP No: SHA-005 

  • Part A: Cover Page
  • Issuance Date: November 08 , 2023
  • Questions Due Date/Time: November 15 , 2023 by 5pm (Yemen time)
  • Response to the question(s): November 16, 2023 by 5pm (Yemen time)
  • Proposal Due Date/Time: November 23, 2023 by 5pm (Yemen time)

The Strengthening Healthcare Access Project and MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience (the Projects), implemented by JSI is soliciting proposals for medical insurance services in Yemen (affiliated service providers inside or outside Yemen) for outpatient and inpatient medical services, Group Personal Accident and Life insurance for local project staff (approximately 59 staff plus approximately 236 staff dependents) located in Aden. The anticipated period of performance is December 01, 2023 to Nov 30, 2026 . The Strengthening Healthcare Access (SHA) Project and MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience (MIHR) are funded by The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and subject to all applicable regulations and provisions.

Please submit your most competitive proposal in accordance with the instructions to offerors and terms of reference. Any award issued as a result of this RFP will be subject to all instructions, terms of reference/ specifications, certifications, terms and conditions and funder required clauses. This RFP document includes the following parts:

  • PART A:    Cover Page
  • PART B:    Instructions to Offerors
  • PART C:    Terms of Reference
  • PART D:    Certifications
  • Attachment A: General Terms & Conditions
  • Attachment B:  Funder Required Clauses
  • Attachment C (1-6): Detailed Questions and Plan Coverage
  • Attachment D:  Staff Numbers (by location)

All proposals, inquiries, and correspondence pertaining to this solicitation are to be directed to the attention of:

The Strengthening Healthcare Access Project (SHA)

To:    please, write RFP No: SHA-005 in the email subject

JSI is committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity in procurement. JSI has zero tolerance for fraud and strictly prohibits bribes, kick-backs, gratuities, and any other gifts in-kind or in monetary form. JSI also strictly prohibits collusion (bid rigging) between vendors and between vendors and JSI staff. JSI selects vendors on merit and will only engage vendors who demonstrate strong business ethics. Vendors must not participate in bid-rigging or attempt to offer any fee, commission, gift, gratuity or any compensation in-kind or in monetary form to JSI employees. Vendors who do so will be disqualified from doing business with JSI. Additionally, JSI has a conflict of interest policy that requires staff to disclose when there is a potential conflictof interest due to the staff-member’s relationship with a vendor, and if necessary, to refrain from participation in a procurement involving that vendor. If at any time your organization has concerns that an employee has violated JSI policy, you may submit a report via the JSI Code of Conduct Helpline at:

Documents can be downloaded from the below link.

Important Notes / مقترحات هامة

Sometimes clients make changes and updates to their tenders; if you want to be notified about any updates, please click the Follow this tender button above.
لمتابعة أي تحديثات تطرأ على هذا الإعلان يرجى الضغط على زر تابعني و إدخال أيميلك
Submitting a bid is an intensive process, and you need to start preparing all the requirements as early as possible. Don't wait, start now.
التقديم على أي مناقصة يتطلب الكثير من العمل و التحضير، عليك أن تبدأ من الأن و عدم الإنتظار لقرب الموعد النهائي
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