Request for Proposals

Transportation Services Long-Term Agreement – Yemen

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Posted on 15 Jul, 2024
Closing on 25 Jul, 2024
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Tender Details


Transportation Services Long-Term Agreement – Yemen

To:  Potential Service Providers
From: ARK Group DMCC (ARK)
Subject: Request for Proposal (RFP), LTA ARKYE1425
RFP Issue Date: 15 July 2024
RFP Closing Date: 25 July 2024
RFP Closing Time: 18:00 (Local – Aden, Yemen)

Proposals for the services specified will be received by the ARK Corporate Services Department until the time and date stated above. Late or incomplete proposals will not be considered. Additional instructions for preparing a proposal are provided herein.

1.    Purpose

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from reputable and experienced Transportation Services providers to establish a Long-Term Agreement (LTA) with ARK for the provision of drivers and vehicle rental services. The chosen supplier will be expected to provide scheduled vehicle and driver services, as and when required for use throughout Yemen, per the requirements and details in the Statement of Work (SOW) in Annex 1. Vehicle and driver services will be requested through Call Down Orders (CDOs) and volume will be determined by operational demand and programmatic needs.

2.    Description of Entity

ARK Group DMCC is a social enterprise specialising in stabilisation, development, peacebuilding, displacement, irregular migration, and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE), primarily in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCAS). Founded in 2012, ARK focuses on reconciling the human security needs of local communities with the concerns of governmental clients and international organisations. ARK's core activities encompass Research and Analysis, Monitoring & Evaluation, Capacity Building, and Programme & Project Design and Management. ARK employs a dedicated team of 140 staff members and consultants, working across eight countries and maintaining four country offices.

3.    Ethics, Fraud, and Transparency

ARK upholds a strong commitment to transparency, integrity, and ethical conduct and applies zero tolerance to fraud and unethical behaviour in any form. ARK encourages all employees, partners, suppliers, and stakeholders to promptly report any actual or suspected incidents of fraud related to this tender or any other activity. ARK will take all claims seriously and your cooperation is vital in ensuring a safe and trustworthy environment for all. Please report any concerns or observations using the following link: Procurement Fraud Report Form. Your report will be treated in the strictest confidence.

4.    Procedures for Submitting Proposals and Awarding Contract

a.    This Request for Proposal (RFP) consists of the following documents:

(1)    This RFP with submission instructions and evaluation criteria.
(2)    Statement of Work (SOW) at Annex 1.
(3)    Proposal Declaration Form at Annex 2.
(4)    Technical Form at Annex 3.
(5)    Price Form at Annex 4.

b.    Proposals should adhere to the following instructions:

(1)    Your proposal should be prepared in English.
(2)    All documents should be sent as PDF attachments. RAR and other file types will be rejected.

c.    Firms are to submit their proposal by email to Please title the email "RFP-LTA-24-ARKYE1425" and send the submission as one email with four separate attachments as outlined below:

(1)    1st Attachment: Proposal Declaration Form (Annex 2).
(2)    2nd Attachment: Technical Proposal (Annex 3).
(3)    3rd Attachment: Price Proposal (Annex 4).
(4)    4th Attachment: Provide a copy of a valid registration document of your company.
Please title each attachment with your company name, the type of document (Proposal Declaration Form, technical or financial), and the RFP title e.g.:

"Your Company Name "_ Proposal Declaration Form_ ARKYE1425 "Your Company Name "_Technical Offer_ ARKYE1425
"Your Company Name "_Price Offer_ ARKYE1425

d.    Failure to comply with any of the specified requirements may result in the bidder being considered unresponsive, leading to potential rejection of the proposal.

e.    Proposals will be received until 25 July 2024 at 18:00 (Aden Time). Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.

f.    Interested parties should notify ARK of their intention to bid by submitting an expression of interest (EOI) to Any changes to the tender and responses to requests for further information (RFI) will be sent to all potential bidders who have submitted an EOI.

g.    Discussions may be held to clarify proposals. If any such discussions are held, bidders will be notified that a best and final offer may be submitted by a revised deadline. The best and final offer provides the opportunity for bidders to revise their proposals based on additional information gathered during discussions. If a best and final offer is not submitted, the previous offer will be considered as the best and final offer.

h.    Any questions raised regarding this RFP must be in writing and emailed to The RFP number should be quoted in all correspondence. ARK reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted and to request additional information from all bidders.

i.    ARK reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and request additional information if needed.

j.    The RFP process may lead to Long-Term Agreements (LTAs) with multiple companies, depending on the evaluation results.

To download the related document, click on the below link.

Important Notes / مقترحات هامة

Sometimes clients make changes and updates to their tenders; if you want to be notified about any updates, please click the Follow this tender button above.
لمتابعة أي تحديثات تطرأ على هذا الإعلان يرجى الضغط على زر تابعني و إدخال أيميلك
Submitting a bid is an intensive process, and you need to start preparing all the requirements as early as possible. Don't wait, start now.
التقديم على أي مناقصة يتطلب الكثير من العمل و التحضير، عليك أن تبدأ من الأن و عدم الإنتظار لقرب الموعد النهائي
9 days

left until deadline