Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist (Aden) This job has ended. You cannot apply anymore.

Job Description
Vacancy Announcement for GIZ Yemen / Improving Food Security for Resilience in Yemen (IFSR) – (PN 22.1802.2-001.00).
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a global service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, with 23,614 employees. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment, energy and the environment, and peace and security. Our business volume is around 3.3 billion euros. As a public-benefit federal enterprise, GIZ supports the German Government – in particular the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) – and many public and private sector clients in around 120 countries in achieving their objectives in international cooperation. With this aim, GIZ works together with its partners to develop effective solutions that offer people better prospects and sustainably improve their living conditions. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been working in Yemen on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) since 1969.
The project improving food security for resilience in Yemen (IFSR) & its related DeveloPPP Moka Revival project DeveloPPP is one of the Programmes offered by BMZ to promote collaboration with actors in private sector) which runs under IFSR project in Lahj, Abyan and Taiz. IFSR is a part of the transitional aid, the project starts with a resilience-enhancing and multisectoral approach, which is welcomed by local structures and civil society, in order to reduce the increasing dependence on humanitarian aid.. The new project is based on the BMZ's "Strategy for structural transitional aid – overcoming crises, strengthening resilience, creating perspectives" (2020). Accordingly, it pursues a multisectoral approach and extends over several funding priorities in order to improve the livelihoods of the target group as long as possible. The IFSR project is divided into the funding priorities of food security and disaster risk management. Within the framework of the funding priority food security, the sectors agriculture and health can be found. The funding priorities contribute to the implementation of the core topics "Life without hunger - transformation of the food systems" and "Peace and social cohesion" of the BMZ 2030 theme model. The project will work locally and close to the target groups and pursues a structure-building and capacity-building approach in an overall context characterized by humanitarian aid. It is therefore aimed at building the resilience of households and women of reproductive age in particular to reduce their susceptibility to food crises and food insecurity and is based on the BMZ position "For adequate and better nutrition" and the federal government's guidelines "Preventing crises, overcoming conflicts, promoting peace". project aims to reduce the susceptibility of vulnerable households to food insecurity (outcome) by improving (1) availability of food, (2) access to food and (3) use and recycling. The measures to improve food security and the complementary measures in disaster risk management to secure the production base and prevent and mitigate disasters strengthen the resilience of the population affected by food insecurity (impact).
With immediate effect the GIZ Office Sana’a invites applications from qualified Yemeni nationals for the following position:
- Position: Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist (Aden)
- End of Contract: 30.09.2025
- Post Location: Aden or other duty station according to the instructions of the employer.
The Monitoring and Evaluation specialist is responsible for:
- advising the project manager, technical staff, and the team regarding M&E
- developing and managing IFSR project M&E concept and tools, M&E system based on GIZ standards and following mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative methodology);
- supporting the project advisors with the required monitoring activities (e.g. monitoring visits)
- alignment of IFSR project M&E concept with GIZ regulations/ expectations towards result based monitoring systems and capacity works;
- ensuring that project databases operates and functions correctly;
- data collection and reporting about milestones, current status of indicators towards the project manager (progress reporting/ annual reporting, etc.);
- providing technical support to the project by dealing with questions and problems relating to IT and M&E databases;
- innovation, reporting and knowledge management of M&E.
- preparation of data for PR and communications purposes
Main Tasks
The monitoring and evaluation specialist
- develops methodologies, data collection instruments, and analytical procedures for monitoring and evaluation of the projects economic and social impacts;
- develops and implements the conflict-sensitive M&E concept of IFSR project based on GIZ RBM and capacity works guidelines, using mixed methods (quantitative, qualitative, and other methodologies)
- assists with the establishment of relevant project benchmark data, and plans and supervises the collection and any additional benchmark data required through situation analysis;
- trains relevant staff and institution in data collection procedures as required during project implementation;
- plans and supervises the regular collection of data to monitor and evaluate the effects on poverty reduction and the economic benefits of provided rural and agriculture infrastructure, and the effects of livelihoods of the people;
- plans and supervises the regular collection of data to monitor and evaluate the level of direct employment generated under the project, and the targeting of employment at the poor, including the disadvantaged and women;
- plans and manages the conduct of surveys and studies, to assess the impact of project investments on poverty reduction in the project area;
- defines needs for external technical expertise, including writing TOR for consultants, selecting experts and supervising them in cooperation with project manager and other related staff (e.g. success story booklet);
- deals with the design, preparation and implementation of workshops, seminars and other events on issues connected with the project’s M&E.
- if needed, organizes and provides capacity development for data collectors and evaluators on GIZ M&E system
- designs and manages the conducting of special studies of the economic and social impacts as required, including preparation of terms of references;
- carries out the analysis of the data collected;
- develops and organises quality assurance measures and suggests necessary changes, improvements and initiatives regarding IFSR project M&E;
- provides advisory services to partners for M&E topics on demand;
- aligns the M&E work of the different project within one concept and enhances mutual learning between GIZ projects;
- contributes to the work of national and international M&E experts by providing relevant data and information in a written and oral format;
- cooperates with project partner structures and with other GIZ projects/programmes to improve and maintain good working relationships;
- communicates the project interests and efforts, forwards these and encourages sharing ideas and information for the benefit of IFSR project.
- reports back to project manager on a regular basis about current status of progress and results of IFSR project indicators.
- prepares charts, presentations and written reports, booklets (e.g. success stories) about M&E;
- develops ready-to-use strategies and technical concepts, including guidelines, manuals and procedures regarding M&E;
- prepares appropriate input for various reports including annual reports, and contributes to the other reports required by the project seniors;
- assists with research activities and studies which benefit the project and GIZ.
- manages a network of data collectors and possible consultants for M&E;
- supervises the work of local consultants on M&E;
- assists with general IFRS project planning and develops project concepts including preparation, organisation and moderation of planning exercises and their implementation, management, monitoring, quality management, evaluation, communication, and documentation;
- coordinates relevant projects’ activities at local level in consultation with the manager and in cooperation with the partners, both as regards implementation and preparing organisational aspects;
- compiles the relevant information for joint activities and assignments.
- regularly keeps updating data and databases of the project of IFRS project;
- implements, maintains, and configures all M&E databases using appropriate tools like GIZ “impact monitor”;
- organizes data coming from the projects’ activities;
- keeps record of the project’s activities, budget plans and expenditure
- coordinates the data collection and processing;
- takes up responsibilities to arrange for M&E field activities.
- carries out other tasks for the program, even if these are not explicitly cited in the job description at the request of project related staff or project manager.
- drives project’s car and implements project related trips
Required qualifications, competences, and experience
- business administration, economics or related field / similar relevant experience in monitoring and evaluation positions or project management
- 5-7 years’ professional experience in a comparable position in an international organization
- experience in strategic planning and performance measurement, including indicator selection, target setting, reporting, database management, and developing M&E and performance monitoring plans
- experience in the major evaluation methodologies (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, mixed method, and impact) and data collection and analysis methodologies.
- experience in monitoring and evaluation of activities through participatory processes
- experience in organizing and facilitation of focus group discussion and conducting surveys
- experience in fieldwork in a challenging environment.
- integrity and accountability
- takes responsibility for action and manages constructive criticisms;
- analytical ability: strong and proven, analytical skills including to review variety of data, identify and adjust discrepancies, identify and resolve operational problems;
- client orientation – works effectively well with client and stakeholders and focuses on result communication – listens and communicates clearly, adapting delivery to the audience;
- creativity and Initiative – actively seeks new ways of improving project and services;
- planning and organizing - plans work, anticipates risks, and sets goals within area of responsibility;
- ability to perform work of confidential nature and handle a large work volume;
- willingness to travel to very remote and isolated field locations and work in a divers multi-cultural environment
- outstanding working knowledge of ICT technologies (related software, phone, fax, email, the internet) and computer applications (e.g. MS Office as well as ACESS database)
- digital literacy
- excellent written and spoken English and Arabic languages.
- good knowledge and working experience in the project governorates (Aden and lahj, Taiz, Abyan)
- holds valid driving license would be an asset.
How to Apply
Important Notes / مقترحات هامة
إتباع تعليمات التقديم المذكورة في كل إعلان ستزيد من فرصة النظر لسيرتك الذاتية من قبل الجهة المعلنة
تذكر أن تكتب إسم الوظيفة و موقعها في عنوان البريد عندما يكون التقديم عبر الإيميل