Consultant: Climate V&A and Risk Assessment Study on Health
Job Description
Terms of Reference
Consultancy Information: Project Title: Fourth National Communication and Second Biennial Update Report.
Position Title: Climate Vulnerability, Adaptation, and Risk Assessment Study on Health
Duty Station: Homebased with frequent field visits to target areas and UNDP-Aden Sub-Office
Duration: Five months
Type of Consultancy: National Consultant
Background and Context
Climate change is among the emerging development issues in Yemen, and the project titled “Fourth National Communication and Second Biennial Update Report” responds by contributing towards such priorities while at the same time enables the Country to fulfill its commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change (UNFCCC). This project will enable Yemen to prepare its Second Biennial Update Report (BUR) and the Fourth National Communication (FNC) report in accordance with Article 12 of the UNFCCC without which it will be difficult to do so. Furthermore, it will assist in building further national capacities to fulfill Yemen’s commitments to the Convention on a continuing basis. The Second BUR will synergize and complement some components outlined in the FNC. The preparation of the Second BUR will follow the guidelines provided by the Conference of Parties (CoP). The process of including the Second BUR together with the FNC is technically, economically, and timely feasible by ensuring effective use of resources and consistency of the methodologies and information exchange. Without this enabling activity project, Yemen will not be able to meet its commitments under the UNFCCC and prepare and submit the Second BUR and FNC to the CoP of the UNFCCC. This project under the Global Environment Facility (GEF) enabling activities will enable Yemen to prepare its Second BUR after the successful completion and submission of its Third National Communication (TNC) report and the First Biennial Update Report (1BUR) in 2018. It will assist in building further national capacities to fulfill Yemen’s commitments to the Convention on a continuing basis, besides increasing the awareness on climate change issues, particularly among policymakers to take into consideration while setting out national and sectoral polices, strategies, and programmes. The project will contribute to strengthening national and institutional capacities to coordinate BUR/NC reporting process through designation of a technical group under the proposed National Climate Change Coordination Committee (NCCCC) to be established. An inter-agency technical focal points representing the relevant line agencies will be designated, and their capacities will be strengthened particularly for the collection of Green House Gases (GHG) inventory data from their respective agencies. Such capacity building and institutional arrangements which are to be undertaken by the project will support Yemen to coordinate BUR/NC reporting processes in a sustainable manner. The project will also increase levels of awareness on climate change issues particularly among policymakers. Similarly, the introduction of BUR will strengthen national capacities and enable Yemen to fulfil its future reporting requirements. Specifically, the BUR, for instance, will assess existing arrangements for domestic Monitoring, Reporting, Verification (MRV) and make suggestions for enhancement. The project draws on the experiences and results of the previous NCs; in particular, activities are focused on areas and sectors that have been identified as most relevant for the GHG balance in Yemen. A central element of the project strategy is to enhance the cost-effectiveness of its planned interventions by capitalizing on its proven track record and experience in addressing environmental, and climate change challenges in the country besides it professional working relationships that have been established, and maintained with partners and stakeholders including national institutions, donor agencies, and local communities as well as civil society organizations.
Purpose of assignment
Under the Third National Communication (TNC) Vulnerability and Adaptation (V&A) assessment was conducted for the overall health sector in Yemen. Under this assignment, a specific pilot area (one of the urban cities) will be identified, selected, and studied based on specific criteria to identify the potential climate impacts on health, to analyze direct and combined climate change impacts on socio-economic changes, demographic trends, and to develop appropriate adaptation measures. The work to be undertaken under this assignment should be based on the best available scientific methods tools and models. 1 2
The key objective of this assignment is to conduct a climate vulnerability and risk assessment on health for a pilot area which will be identified and selected based on consultation with the PM and relevant key stakeholders. The work to be undertaken under this assignment should be based on the best available scientific methods tools, approaches, and should be in line and in consistency with other climate change related activities.
Methodology and Scope of Work
The assignment will take five (5) months distributed over a period of eight months, during this period the Consultant will work under the direct supervision of the Project Manager, and the overall guidance of the Climate Change, Energy, and Environment Team Leader (CCEE-TL). An outline of the methodology and scope of work is summarized as follows: - Conduct a literature desk review of related reports and studies. - Develop an inception report explaining the approach, methodology, scope of the assignment, and detailed workplan with timelines of tasks. - Participate in the training on the tools and models used for conducting the assessment. - Carry out data collection for the target area from different sources of data and information. - Conduct field visits to the relevant agencies and institutions as well as target areas for data collection and consultation. - Carry out a quantitative and qualitative analysis for the collected data and information. - Work in close collaboration with other consultants working under the FNC-BUR2 project on other sectors to ensure data and information sharing as well as exchange of knowledge and lessons learned. - Ensure gender engagement and inclusion in the identification of vulnerabilities, impacts, and adaptation measures.
Duties and Responsibilities
The National Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment consultant should work in consultation with and under the guidance and supervision of the Project Manager (PM). Specifically, his\her responsibilities are but not limited to the following:
- Prepare a detailed work-plan for this assignment in line the overall project work plan.
- In consultation with the PM establish, lead and oversee, the study team.
- Selects and implement, in consultation with PM, the methodologies for conducting the study.
- Produce and inventory and collate existing studies related to climate change impacts on human health in Yemen, if any, as well as global best practices on climate resilient human health management.
- In consultation with PM, select the pilot area(s) for this project. The justification and rationale of the chosen pilot area should be confirmed by the PM.
- Identify the main communities and vulnerable groups.
- Identify and assess the quality and quantity where applicable of available climate and health information.
- Assess the national exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity taking into account historic climate data and recommended climate change scenarios.
- Assess the potential short- and long-term impacts of climate change on human health including the spread of vector borne and water-borne diseases such as malaria, lung and respiratory diseases, as well as associated health problems caused by dust storms and heat waves. The assessment should be based on qualitative and where possible quantitative analysis of the above data using climate change scenarios.
- Assess the impact of national sustainable health management practices.
- Propose adaptive measures and options drawing on national capacities and knowledge, past experiences, and good practices.
- Engage relevant stakeholders in the process of assessing climate change risks to human health and benefits of sustainable management practices.
- Ensure balanced representation of woman and men throughout the consultation processes.
- Coordinate with all relevant stakeholders and other working teams of the FNC-BUR2 process.
- Incorporate and consolidate all findings, results, products, and outputs of the assignment into a working document to be presented for consultation, comments, and discussion in a national workshop for all relevant stakeholders. The consultant is also expected to prepare the necessary presentations for the workshop and consolidate workshop outcomes into the study final report.
- Prepares and submit the study report for review and comments and finalize the report accordingly.
- Draft the respective chapter of health V&A for the FNC along with the respective parts of executive summaries, all in English language.
Qualifications Experience and skills
Education Qualifications:
At least MSc. in public health, epidemiology sciences, environment, geography or another field relevant to the project.
Experience and skills:
- A minimum of 7 years of working experience in the area relevant to climate change and public health.
- Substantial involvement in preparing similar studies on climate change assessment and public health.
- Enough understanding of V&A models and tools.
- Demonstrable knowledge of MCA, GIS, and SWAT.
- Demonstrated ability of analytical and drafting work.
- Familiarity with computers and word processing (WORD, EXCEL; Power Point)
- Fluency in both written and oral English and Arabic Languages.
Implementation Arrangements
The consultant will work under the direct supervision of the Project Manager and the overall supervision of the CCEE-TL. The PM is responsible for validating deliverables prior to the issuance of payments.
How to Apply
To apply, please use the link below:
Important Notes / مقترحات هامة
إتباع تعليمات التقديم المذكورة في كل إعلان ستزيد من فرصة النظر لسيرتك الذاتية من قبل الجهة المعلنة
تذكر أن تكتب إسم الوظيفة و موقعها في عنوان البريد عندما يكون التقديم عبر الإيميل