Call for Tender

Pre-qualification of Construction & Rehabilitation for South Area Only

Action Contre la Faim Logo
Posted on 14 Oct, 2024
Closing on 06 Nov, 2024
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Tender Details

Call for Tender: Pre-qualification of construction & rehabilitation for south area only.


Action Contre la Faim tackles the causes and effects of hunger and diseases that threaten the lives of vulnerable children, women and men.
Established in France in 1979, Action Contre la Faim are a nongovernmental, non-political, non-religious, non-profit organization.

Action Contre la Faim – Yemen Mission intends to award a Pre-qualification of construction & rehabilitation for south area only. only in the form of a framework of humanitarian programs funded by our Donor’s. 

This pre-qualification agreement will be managed to serve the interest of Action Contre la Faim in the south area only.

Interested bidders can obtain documents from email address or they could collect them from our office address mentioned below:

Email Address: 

ACF Procurement team 
Mobile Number: +967 779 925 925 / 773719399

Important Note: please mention in the subject of your email request the following reference (  ACF-2024-PQ-003 ) and mention your company title details. 

or from our office at the below address :

Action Contre la Faim – Yemen Mission- 
Khor Maksar, Abyan Coast, Aden, Yemen 
Between 8 am-4 pm (Aden time zone).

Please note that the deadline for submitting the tender documents is 06 November 2024 at 03:30 pm (Aden city time zone)

Action Contre la Faim will disqualify the bidder who will not submit the compulsory administrative documents.  

Important Notes / مقترحات هامة

Sometimes clients make changes and updates to their tenders; if you want to be notified about any updates, please click the Follow this tender button above.
لمتابعة أي تحديثات تطرأ على هذا الإعلان يرجى الضغط على زر تابعني و إدخال أيميلك
Submitting a bid is an intensive process, and you need to start preparing all the requirements as early as possible. Don't wait, start now.
التقديم على أي مناقصة يتطلب الكثير من العمل و التحضير، عليك أن تبدأ من الأن و عدم الإنتظار لقرب الموعد النهائي
21 days

left until deadline