Expression of Interest

Expressions of Interest for Supervision of the Construction of 18,000 m³ Welded Carbon Steel Water Tank Khormaksar - Aden

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Posted on 01 Oct, 2024
Closing on 16 Oct, 2024
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Tender Details

Request for Expressions of Interest for Supervision of the Construction of 18,000 m³ Welded Carbon Steel Water Tank Khormaksar - Aden

Project No. (300-14337)

1-    The Social Fund for Development (SFD) received a grant from the German financial Cooperation (KFW (and the Kingdom of the Netherlands through the Embassy of Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN)to implement a project for the construction of a welded carbon steel ground tank with a capacity of 18,000 m³ in Al-Barzakh– Khawrmaksar, for the benefit of the Local Water and Sanitation Corporation - Aden. 
2-    The Social Fund for Development invites engineering offices/firms holding the capabilities and qualifications to oversee the implementation of this project and those interested in participating can download the prequalification document by following this link
3-    The qualifications requirements for participating in the assignment competition for the consultancy service, engineering firms must have the following:

a)    The firm shall be licensed/registered in Yemen.
b)    Minimum of 10 Years of experience in supervising construction (Steel/concrete).
c)    Minimum of 3 contracts managing/supervising large and medium scale construction projects.
d)    Firm portfolio prefers demonstrate at least 1 contract managing project of the same type (welded carbon Steel tanks).
e)    Firm personnel must prove technical and administrative qualifications and experience managing similar type of projects. 
f)    Allocate at least 6 full-time personnel including supporting staff for this project. 
g)    Experience working in Yemen or the MENA region.

4-     The expression of interest, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the prequalification document, shall be submitted to the following address:  

Social Fund for Development Aden Branch 
New Enma City phase 11 Building CT1
Mr. Hussien Salem
Procurement officer
Tel No: Tel:02/360704 ext. (103)
Fax No: 02/360076
via the following email/s:
 (hmuraida  CC to (
5-    The deadline for submission of the expression of interest shall not be later than 16/10/2024 at 01:00 PM. Any applications received after this deadline will not be considered.
6-    Expressions of interest will be evaluated according to the Social Fund’s procurement procedures. Based on the evaluation results, an invitation will be sent to a shortlist of qualified firms/offices to submit their technical and financial proposals.
7-    To obtain any additional information, please contact the above address. 

Important Notes / مقترحات هامة

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Submitting a bid is an intensive process, and you need to start preparing all the requirements as early as possible. Don't wait, start now.
التقديم على أي مناقصة يتطلب الكثير من العمل و التحضير، عليك أن تبدأ من الأن و عدم الإنتظار لقرب الموعد النهائي
deadline is today!