Field MEAL Assistant This job has ended. You cannot apply anymore.

Job Description
JOB TITLE: Field MEAL Assistant
LOCATION: Marib, Yemen
CONTRACT DURATION: 8 months fixed term
SALARY GRADE: According to SIF’S National Staff Salary Scale
Organizational Profile:
Secours Islamique France (SIF) is an international Non-Governmental Organisation that has been working in France and around the world for over 30 years, taking action wherever there are humanitarian and social needs to be addressed. SIF believes in a more just and caring world where the basic needs of the vulnerable people are met. SIF is committed to reducing poverty and vulnerability acrross the world, without proselytising or discriminating. It implements emergency relief, development programmes and adovacy programs. In Yemen, SIF implements programs to support vulnerable communities in different parts of the Country in various sectors.
General Description of the Position:
With the support and under the direct supervision of the Program Manager, the Field MEAL Assistant will responsible Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning. The MEAL Assistant will support SIF in the implementation of a project.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Objective 1: Surveys & Assessments
- Facilitate program department in-need assessments, baseline, end-line, and post-distribution monitoring surveys in terms of forming data collection tools, sample size, and training of data collection team.
- Conduct interviews with line departments, conduct PRA exercises, and administer questionnaires.
- Ensure data quality and data consistency during data collection and data entry, manage database, and facilitate data analysis. Conduct data audit of up to 50% sample of the field data collection as well as data entered into the database by project or data entry staff and generate data audit report and share with line managers.
- Facilitate program department in the first draft report of surveys (baseline & end-line and assessments)
Objective 2: Project design and implementation
- Assist supervisor/line manager in documentation/desk review for the project and give feedback and ensure alignment to minimum standards;
- Extract and analyze firsthand information of the existing surveys carried out in the program base and provide key findings to be incorporated in the need assessment section(s) of the proposals or concept notes.
- Ensure that the implementation of field activities adheres to SIF’s monitoring and evaluation system;
- Provide technical inputs in the program development process and facilitate log frame formation (e.g., indicators, MOVs, and risk & assumption matrix development)
Objective 3: Monitoring and Evaluation
- Develop M&E Plan for the project in the PMP tool with coordination with the Program manager/officer and get it approved by the immediate supervisor; and follow the M&E Plan during project implementation.
- Carry out regular and routine field monitoring of program activities and produce monitoring visit reports on the given format; conduct debriefs sessions with relevant program staff and develops an agreed action plan;
- Carry out follow-up monitoring visits to materialize actions agreed in the action plan, also maintain Monitoring-Action Plan Tracker at field level; and report to line manager.
- To assist in planning and implementation of internal monitoring and evaluation exercises and impact assessments in terms of case/success stories and during project evaluation when needed.
- Manage all internal evaluation activities of the base; systematically ensure the analysis of results is shared with stakeholders.
- Ensure and support the completion of the beneficiaries’ database in coordination with the program team.
- Review and update the PMP of each project in his/her respective program base during monthly review meetings and share with the line manager along with complete MOVs.
- Support line manager in developing TORs for evaluation of the project(s) and support external evaluator in conducting independent evaluation at project sites.
Objective4: Accountability
- Ensure accountability at the field level during program implementation by orienting the program team and beneficiaries during activities on SIF CRM/CBCM.
- Ensure beneficiaries have been oriented by the project and MEAL team before the start of each project activity and make sure that complaints and feedback are properly acknowledged, registered, processed, resolved timely, and responded to by the complainants and feedback provider.
- Share updated CBCM/CRM database routinely with the line manager on monthly bases.
Objective 5: Learning
- Take minutes of the review meeting and lessons learned workshop and share with Line Manager.
- Identify and document from time to time the key learning points during project implementation in the field and share them during monthly reporting submissions to line managers.
- Lead in developing case studies or success stories to be used as lessons learned and for monitoring/evaluation purposes.
Objective 6: Coordination
- Ensure smooth coordination with key working groups in the field level and other stakeholders such as VDCs, Committees, Cooperatives, and Government Line Department in terms of monitoring.
- Ensure involve the stakeholders in project monitoring and supervision and build their capacity therein.
- Ensure very good upward, parallel, and downward inter and intra department coordination with his/his line manager and sub-ordinates and with other team members and act as a pro-active team member.
Objective 7: Reporting & Communication
- Meet the reporting deadlines on weekly and monthly bases and share MEAL reports timely with Program Manager.
- Ensure proper communication protocols while sharing general and confidential information sharing with targeted and concerned audience/staff and keep updated his/her technical supervisor MEAL and Program about every development at each stage of project implementation.
This list is not limited; the employee may be required to perform any other task necessary and compatible with its functions.
Qualifications and Requirements:
- A university degree (Master) in Project Monitoring, Project Management, Social Sciences, Statistics, Economy, Econometrics, or similar is required
- At least 3 years relevant work experience in Monitoring and Evaluation, or Project Management with good knowledge of MEAL mechanism
- Experience in international development and/or non-profit organizations
- Experience in writing reports in English
- Good computer skills; Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and database
View as an asset:
- Experience in conducting surveys, and evaluations as an internal auditor or external consultant
- Knowledge of Marib context
- Computer software skills
- Very good communication skills and team player, as well as the ability to work individually
- Fluent in English language
- Demonstrated organizational ability is a strong desire
- Ability to liaise with national authorities, NGO and other agencies
- Flexibility and adaptability are required
Child Safe-Guarding Policy. SIF commit to respect the “Do no harm” humanitarian principle and ensure child safety is paramount in all its activities. SIF implements a Child Safeguarding Policy (CSP), and implement all necessary measures to ensure that only those who are suitable to work with vulnerable people, in particular with children join the organization. This position is subject to criminal records disclosure and reference checks.
How to Apply
Important Notes / مقترحات هامة
إتباع تعليمات التقديم المذكورة في كل إعلان ستزيد من فرصة النظر لسيرتك الذاتية من قبل الجهة المعلنة
تذكر أن تكتب إسم الوظيفة و موقعها في عنوان البريد عندما يكون التقديم عبر الإيميل