Accountability Officer This job has ended. You cannot apply anymore.

Job Description
TITLE: Accountability Officer
TEAM/PROGRAMME: Education program
The main responsibility of the Accountability Officer is to ensure that a Complaints and Feedback Mechanism (CFM) is in place within UNHCR partner project activity and is effectively implemented by the relevant partner in the Area of Responsibility (AoR). The Accountability Officer is part of UNHCR and partners’ alignment to the IASC Operational Framework for Accountability to Affected Population, especially in regard to information sharing, beneficiaries’ participation, complaints and response mechanism and accountability in design, monitoring and evaluation. The Accountability Officer facilitates the implementation and oversight of the CFM-related activities, in line with UNHCR CFM Standard Operating Procedures. The Accountability Officer must be trained and familiar with AAP concepts, mechanisms, SEA, the distinction between inte\rnal and external fraud and the obligations to report such cases without delay through the appropriate channels.
SCOPE OF ROLE: Aden, Lahj and Al Mukalla
Reports to: Project Manager
Reporting of: Hotline Assistant
Main responsibilities:
- Establish, implement and exercise effective oversight on the Complaints and Feedback Mechanism (CFM) in the targeting community and schools according to the CFM SOPs.
- Ensure the proper functioning of the CFM mechanism in the partner’s targeting places (Hotline, Reception, Complaint Box).
- Ensure that all beneficiaries can submit queries, complaints and feedback in confidence, safely, with easy access and with full privacy through multiple CFM channels including face to face, hotlines and CFM boxes.
- Ensure respect for confidentiality and take into consideration of accessibility by persons with specific needs, marginalized group and different age and gender groups in all steps of the CFM process.
- Supervise Hotline assistant(s) to ensure that they provide appropriate, coherent and timely response to the beneficiaries and that they properly record the query/ feedback/ complaints in the CFM recording sheet.
- Listen and assist beneficiaries at the time of making a query or complaint and/or providing feedback.
- Ensure that beneficiaries receive up to date information on available services offered by UNHCR partner and that the information is properly provided to the Hotline assistant(s).
- Ensure timely follow up and response on queries, complaints or feedback submitted by the beneficiaries within the established means of communication available at the targeting community and schools.
- Propose changes/improvements to the CFM to UNHCR, based on the monitoring of its effectiveness.
- Actively disseminate information among the beneficiaries about the CFM including with clearly visible printing materials.
- Maintain constant communication with Protection Officer and relevant staff on the queries, feedback and complaints received, on the response provided and on actions that the partner should take to address issues emerging form the CFM; this includes the CBI Officer on all matters related to cash.
- Report to Protection Officer on serious or concerning complaints received, challenges and any other relevant issues requiring attention of Protection Officer. If the complaints are very serious in nature, report to UNHCR FO (CFM FP).
Working Modality:
Accountability Officer is stationed at the targeting Community and schools with regular field visit to monitor how CFM is functioning.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability and Quality
- Implement M&E systems in the project site s/he is responsible for, and ensure that the agreed tools are used properly.
- Conduct regular field monitoring visits according to requirements and plans then report back with the findings to the Project Manager.
- Facilitate/Conduct Education assessments and report back to the Project Manager.
- Actively monitor Education project activities, ensuring quality of Al-Awn Foundation strategy, reporting and flagging concerns PM.
- Ensure that communities are regularly involved in all phases of the programming.
- Comply with Al-Awn Foundation policies and practice with respect to code of conduct and other relevant policies and procedures.
- Access and analyze key issues in the humanitarian situation and formulate actions around them
- Leads on the development of an organizational response based on an understanding of the contexts
- Undertakes effective risk assessments and develops contingency plans
- Takes appropriate, coordinated and consistent action to handle situations of personal risk and risk for others.
SKILLS AND BEHAVIOURS (our Values in Practice)
- Holds self-accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modelling Al-Awn Foundation values.
- Holds the team and partners accountable to deliver on their responsibilities - giving them the freedom to deliver in the best way they see fit, providing the necessary development to improve performance and applying appropriate consequences when results are not achieved.
Required profile:
- Studies in social work or any related issues
- Excellent communication, presentation, problem-solving and inter-personal skills
- Excellent facilitation skills, and strong understanding of how to collect feedback safely and accurately from all members of a community regardless of their age, gender, or other diversity factors.
- Administrative and managerial skills.
- Solid Computer skills and competency in word, Excel as a minimum.
How to Apply
Important Notes / مقترحات هامة
إتباع تعليمات التقديم المذكورة في كل إعلان ستزيد من فرصة النظر لسيرتك الذاتية من قبل الجهة المعلنة
تذكر أن تكتب إسم الوظيفة و موقعها في عنوان البريد عندما يكون التقديم عبر الإيميل