Data Entry Assistant

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Posted on 26 Jun, 2024
Closing on 11 Jul, 2024

Job Description

  • Job Title: Data Entry Assistant
  • No of positions: 1 Position
  • Deadline: Jul 11th, 2024
  • Duration: 8 months
  • Duty Station:  Aden Gov.

Taybah Foundation for Development (TFD):

Taybah Foundation for Development is a Yemeni development institution working in the areas of health and education. It was established in 1996 under the license of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor No. 25.  Taybah seeks to provide quality health and education services in partnership and cooperation with all concerned and interested parties in accordance with the development plans of local authorities.
Taybah foundation for development is an employer that does not tolerate any form of sexual misconduct. All potential candidates will be subjected to rigorous background checks and controls.

Overall, Purpose

Working as an important member of a diverse team, who is committed to serving the world’s most vulnerable with practical and compassionate care, the Data Entry provides technical support, leadership, and strategic direction, plans, develops, monitors, and evaluates the assigned WASH project. This involves effectively managing and reporting on the projects in line with the objectives, time frame, and budget with a focus on WASH and Infrastructure system strengthening, training, and coordination.

Project Overview

TFD is responding to the humanitarian needs in Yemen through an integrated health, nutrition, and WASH response targeting vulnerable persons in selected districts. WASH activities form an integrated part of the approach addressing unsafe water and sanitation, poor hygiene, and diarrhea’s aggravating effect on malnutrition. WASH infrastructure at supported health facilities will be improved to reduce the risk of disease transmission. The project design demonstrates accountability to the affected population, displaced population, and acutely vulnerable communities in Yemen,  

Functional Links

Internal: Data Entry; WASH national staff: officers, assistants, and volunteers
External: MOW: Ministry of Water, GARWSP: The General Authority for Rural Water Supply Projects, LWSC: Local Water and Sanitation Corporation, key community leaders and authorities, communities and beneficiaries, UN agencies, other humanitarian actors, WASH, Shelter, CCCM Clusters


General Tasks

  • Uphold the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and independence
  • Respect the TFD values at all times, both within and outside of working hours
  • Know, understand, and comply with TFD internal policies and procedures
  • Follow the TFD Security Plan and other related policies and SOPs
  • Adhere to TFD Nationally Recruited Staff (NRS) handbook and regulations
  • Be prepared to work in Aden and other Governorates of Yemen

Specific Tasks


  • Transferring data from paper formats into database systems. 
  • Entering and updating information about the project into relevant databases.
  • Informing relevant staff regarding errors encountered.
  • Reviewing data for deficiencies; resolving discrepancies by using standard procedures or returning incomplete documents to the project team for resolution;
  • Properly file and safely store all project documents both in hard and soft copies in an organized manner to optimize retrieval.
  • Assist in data verification, and cleaning, and ensure recording them into the predesigned database.
  • Purging files to eliminate duplication of data;
  • Secures information by completing database backups;
  • Maintains operations by following policies and procedures; reporting needed changes;
  • Maintains data confidence and protects operations by keeping information confidential;
  • Ensuring that appropriate security measures are taken to prevent unauthorized access to data, in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
  • Perform any other duties requested by his/her line manager
  • Develop new proposals, linked to the assessed needs and gaps and the TFD country strategy, in conjunction with the in-line managers and relevant managers

Staff Management

  • Line manages WASH Manager of the assigned project, including day-to-day management, development, training, appraisals, etc. It may also be necessary to line-manage other health/nutrition project staff
  • Facilitate regular meetings to assist information sharing between project staff, to ensure all staff members are aware of project objectives and current work plans, and to provide the opportunity for feedback
  • Provide coaching and technical supervision to staff to develop ownership and full responsibility for health/nutrition activities
  • Assess the training needs of WASH staff and ensure that appropriate training is conducted

Communication and Coordination

  • Represent TFD at relevant local-level coordination meetings involving local authorities, communities, and other NGOs and clusters.
  • Develop and maintain appropriate, regular, transparent, and supportive communication structures with the assigned WASH team, TFD in-country Office, and other relevant stakeholders (e.g. beneficiaries, community leaders, local and national government officials, UN agencies, and other NGOs), to ensure good cooperation and partnerships.
  • Participate in WASH coordination meetings and other working groups or meetings as required, representing TFD and feeding back to the WASH staff and line managers on relevant issues.
  • In coordination with any relevant M&E staff, follow up on community concerns and issues raised through feedback or complaint mechanisms.
  • Report any security incidents or concerns to the Security Focal Point in all the target governorates.


  • Liaise, as necessary, with the WASH, logistics, and finance staff to ensure items are procured, transported, stored, managed, and accounted for correctly.
  • Support the logistics activities of project staff, particularly regarding the procurement process, supplies, and equipment for the assigned WASH activities

Quality Management

Establish Clear Data Entry Guidelines

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Develop comprehensive SOPs that detail the exact steps to be followed during data entry.
Data Standards: Define standards for data formats, naming conventions, and acceptable values to ensure consistency.

Training and Development

Training Programs: Regularly train data entry staff on best practices, new guidelines, and software tools.
Competency Assessments: Periodically assess the competency of data entry personnel to identify areas needing improvement.

Implement Data Validation Techniques

Real-time Validation: Use software tools that validate data as it is entered, checking for errors such as incorrect formats or out-of-range values.
Automated Checks: Implement automated scripts or tools that perform regular checks on entered data to identify and correct errors.

Data Quality Monitoring and Auditing

Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of entered data to identify and rectify errors or inconsistencies.
Random Spot Checks: Perform random spot checks to ensure ongoing data quality and to detect any issues early.

Use of Technology

Data Entry Software: Utilize specialized data entry software that includes features like auto-fill, dropdown menus, and pre-defined templates.
Error Detection Tools: Employ error detection tools that can scan large datasets for anomalies or inconsistencies.

Feedback Mechanisms

Error Reporting: Create a system for data entry personnel to report errors or issues encountered during the data entry process.
Continuous Improvement: Use feedback to continuously improve processes and address recurring issues.

Performance Metrics and KPIs

Accuracy Rate: Track the percentage of data entries without errors.
Timeliness: Monitor the time taken to enter data to ensure efficiency without compromising accuracy.
Error Rate: Calculate the error rate and work to reduce it over time.

Data Governance

Access Controls: Implement access controls to ensure only authorized personnel can enter or edit data.
Version Control: Maintain version control for data entries to track changes and updates over time.

Documentation and Record Keeping

Detailed Logs: Keep detailed logs of data entry activities, including who entered the data, when it was entered, and any changes made.
Audit Trails: Maintain audit trails to track and review data entry and modification history.

Regular Reviews and Updates

Policy Reviews: Regularly review and update data entry policies and guidelines to keep them current.
Technological Updates: Keep software and tools updated to benefit from the latest features and security enhancements.

Delegated Responsibilities

  • Best Practices for Delegation

Clear Communication

Define Roles: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each team member.
Set Expectations: Set clear expectations regarding performance, deadlines, and quality standards.
Regular Updates: Maintain regular communication to provide updates, feedback, and support.

Training and Development

Initial Training: Provide comprehensive training for new team members on data entry processes and tools.
Ongoing Training: Offer ongoing training to keep team members updated on new procedures and technologies.
Mentorship: Assign experienced team members to mentor new or less experienced staff.

Monitoring and Feedback

Performance Metrics: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor data entry accuracy, speed, and efficiency.
Regular Reviews: Conduct regular performance reviews to identify areas for improvement and recognize achievements.
Feedback Mechanisms: Implement mechanisms for providing constructive feedback and addressing concerns.

Empowerment and Support

Autonomy: Empower team members by giving them the autonomy to make decisions within their roles.
Resources: Provide the necessary resources and tools to help team members perform their tasks effectively.
Support: Offer support and assistance when needed to ensure team members can overcome challenges.

Documentation and Record-Keeping

Detailed Records: Maintain detailed records of data entry activities, including who performed the data entry, when it was done, and any changes made.

Audit Trails: Ensure audit trails are in place to track data entry and modifications for accountability.

Role Qualifications




Vocational Qualification

Higher level qualification in a technical field, preferably in water and sanitation. BSc / MSc  

University bachelor’s degree preferred in IT or any relevant computer science specialization.

Work Experience

2 years of post-qualification professional experience  

. Experience in managing databases. training in communication skills and management


excellent command of English (spoken and written)



Strong technical experience in MS Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

Knowledge of ODK, Kobo Collect, and all the engineering programs

Role Competencies





Able to solve problems independently. Passionate about serving those in need impartially regardless of background. Self-motivated and enthusiastic

Desire to work for NNGO or INGO in the long term


Team player with good interpersonal skills. Experience working in a diverse team with different cultures and backgrounds. Wanting to contribute to a positive team culture. Good at mediation of disagreements. Keen attitude for capacity building of staff. Willingness to support others and to share the workload. Aptitude for community mobilization and capacity-building. Experience in training/mentoring / coaching staff

Previous experience of building a new team


Capacity and willingness to work under pressure and manage personal stress levels. Able to work effectively in a wide variety of situations. Creative, open-minded, flexible, self-learner. Able to adapt communication strategies for different situations. Able to cope with basic living conditions in the field and during field trips




The duties and responsibilities as set out above are not exhaustive and the role holder may be required to carry out additional duties within reasonableness of their level of skills and experience.

Technical Expertise

Ability and willingness to manage project implementation. Good numerical, report writing, and administration skills. Problem-solving ability. Knowledge of humanitarian principles, Sphere and HAP Standards, and other international humanitarian guidelines and protocols. Able to train and supervise engineering staff

Experience using GIS software desirable. Aptitude for community mobilization and capacity-building. Advanced planning, assessment, and analytical skills. Knowledge of humanitarian principles, Sphere and HAP Standards and other international humanitarian guidelines and protocols. Report writing skills

Management & Leadership

Previous supervisory or management experience. Able to prioritize tasks. Able to enforce procedures within a team. Able to set clear objectives for staff and to delegate. Committed to consultative and servant-minded leadership. Knowledge and experience of WASH principles and management. Able to prioritize clearly and oversee multiple tasks. Able to take the initiative in project decisions. Able to enforce procedures. Able to set clear objectives for staff and delegate. Committed to consultative and servant-hearted leadership

Strategic mindset. Experience of capacity building and training exercises. Good understanding of humanitarian work. Good numerical, report writing and administration skills. Committed to consultative and servant-minded leadership. Able to set clear objectives for staff and to delegate. Able to enforce procedures

Work Conditions

The position will be based in the TFD Aden Office, with field trips outside the city/town, within target Governorates. The candidate must be flexible on time depending on the project's needs. Regular working hours will be 08:00 to 15:00, but may require flexibility as the work dictates.

How to Apply

Interested candidates should send their Resumes in English or Arabic to   not later than Jul 11th, 2024, putting the job title as the email subject to be considered. Resumes will be considered on a rolling basis and candidates are encouraged to apply early.

For more information about TFD please visit our website at

Important Notes / مقترحات هامة

Following the instructions on How to apply will always increase your chances of getting your application looked at.
إتباع تعليمات التقديم المذكورة في كل إعلان ستزيد من فرصة النظر لسيرتك الذاتية من قبل الجهة المعلنة
If you’re applying by email, make sure you mention the job title in the “Subject” field of your message
تذكر أن تكتب إسم الوظيفة و موقعها في عنوان البريد عندما يكون التقديم عبر الإيميل