Request for Proposals

Request for Proposal for TPM Procurement in IRG Governorates (South) This tender has ended. You cannot apply anymore.

Posted on 26 Aug, 2024
Closing on 25 Sep, 2024
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Deadline has been extended to Wednesday, September 25. Please see Mod 02 for more details.

Tender Details

RFP Issue Date:  August 26, 2024 
RFP Question Due Date and Time: September 02, 2024, 5:00PM EST
RFP Closing Date and Time: September 25, 2024 5:00PM EST
Prime Contract Name and Number:

  • Yemen Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning 
  • Project II (YMELP II) Contract#7200AA24C00023

Client:  USAID /BHA

Period of Performance:    

  • Base Year 1: Time of Award – April 21, 2025
  • Base Years 2: April 22, 2025 – April 21, 2026
  • Option Year 1: April 22, 2026 – April 21, 2027
  • Option Year 2: April 22, 2027 – April 21, 2028
  • Option Year 3: April 22, 2028 – April 21, 2029

Subject: RFP-24-IBTCI-001 for TPM Procurement

International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc., IBTCI, is pleased to issue this request for proposal for TPM Procurement in South Yemen.
IBTCI, at its sole discretion, intends to award a Fixed Unit Price (FFP) Subcontract as a result of this solicitation based on the Statement of Work, but reserves the right to not make an award or make multiple awards.
All questions regarding the solicitation and proposals in response to this RFP must be submitted to by the date and time specified on the top of this page. 
Late submission of proposals may be considered non-responsive and will not be further reviewed. IBTCI may review such submissions at its sole discretion if it is determined that it is in the best interest of IBTCI and its client. The date and time for receipt of quotes are IBTCI’s server date and time at which the quotes are received. 
The Offeror is responsible for all costs related to preparation and submission of its proposal in response to this solicitation. 

I.    Offeror Submission Instructions:

IBTCI requires all proposals to be submitted in writing in English. Proposals should have a signed cover letter with a statement that the terms and conditions of this RFP are accepted. The subject line of the email must be: Proposal for RFP-24-IBTCI-001 “TPM Procurement for YMELP II at South Yemen”. The proposal must include the following:

1.    Cover letter using the template provided in Attachment #7 – “Cover Letter Template”
2.    A cover page signed by an authorized representative stating that the terms and conditions herein are accepted
3.    Technical Proposal as further detailed below
4.    Budget Proposal (Budget and Budget Narrative) as further detailed below. If the quoted price exceeds $30,000 USD, Offeror must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number issued by the System for Award Management (
5.    Past performance and proof of similar work experience in the template provided in Attachment #3 – “List of Past Performance”
6.    Completed and signed Subcontractor Questionnaire as provided in Attachment #6 – “Subcontractor Questionnaire” 
7.    Copy of Certificate of Incorporation or Corporate Business Registrations (please provide original copies and translation in English if applicable)

II.    Technical Proposal:

A Technical Proposal in response to the statement of work to demonstrate that the Offeror is capable and understands the requirements herein.
Please provide the following:

  • Copies of Registration documents in Yemen (all locations in the South)
  • Description of operations in the North and South of Yemen (to see how interrelated or not they are to the North)
  • General experience in TPM – capes statement (3 pages maximum)
  • Demonstrated capacity to conduct site visits in each governorate that the internationally recognized government controls in the South of Yemen.
  • Description of management/staffing plan to carry out third-party monitoring
  • At least descriptions of three past projects (no more than one page each) within the past three years, including references
  • Budget for TPM activities by Site Visit using the budget template provided

III.    Budget Proposal:

  • The Offeror shall submit a budget and budget narrative in writing using the templates provided in Attachment #2 – “Budget Template” and Attachment #3 – “Budget Proposal Instructions”. 
  • The budget narrative should describe the cost assumptions made, if any, for each item listed in the proposed price so that each cost element is fully explained. 
  • Offerors should submit Budget Proposals based on realistic market rates and historic averages.
  • The contracting out of any work described in the Attachment #1 – “Statement of Work” to a second tier subcontractor is prohibited and a disqualifying factor for consideration of this award.

IV.    Selection & Evaluation 

(a)    Source Selection:

This is a tradeoff procurement. Selection will be made, at IBTCI’s sole discretion, to the Offeror(s) deemed responsible and whose proposal represents the best value to IBTCI and the U.S. Government after evaluation in accordance with all factors and sub-factors in this solicitation. For overall evaluation purposes, technical factors are considered significantly more important than cost/price factors, though cost is a key factor in making a best value decision. “Best value” is defined as the offer that results in the most advantageous solution for IBTCI, in consideration of technical, cost and other factors. Further, IBTCI may award to a higher priced Offeror if a determination is made that the higher technical evaluation of that Offeror merits the additional cost/price. 
Incomplete proposals will be rejected at IBTCI’s sole discretion. IBTCI reserves the right to not make an award based on its sole discretion.

(b)    Technical Evaluation:

The submitted technical information will be evaluated by a technical evaluation committee using the technical evaluation criteria shown below. When evaluating the competing Offerors, IBTCI will consider the written qualifications/capability information provided by the Offerors.
The information required on registration and a description of operations in North and South from TPM Contractor determines the pass/Fail decision. Once passed, the following criteria will be evaluated. Each of the following will be evaluated using adjectival ratings indicated below. All technical criteria (points 1 – 4) below are equally weighted.

1.    General experience in TPM demonstrating effective and innovative approaches to achieve results through data collection, analysis and reporting.      
2.    Demonstrated capacity to conduct site visits in each governorate that the internationally recognized government controls in the South of Yemen. 
3.    Description of management/staffing plan to carry out third-party monitoring
4.    Past Performance. Demonstrated performance in conducting similar types of activities. 

Cost. Cost proposals are not weighted and will be reviewed for allowability and allocability purposes to determine the best value approach with reasonable


OUTSTANDING. The proposal exceeds the fullest expectations of the IBTCI. The offeror has convincingly demonstrated that the evaluation requirements have been analyzed, evaluated, and should result in an outstanding, effective, efficient, and economical performance under the contract. An assigned rating within "outstanding" indicates that, in terms of the specific factor (or subfactor), the proposal demonstrates an “outstanding” understanding of the factor, contains essentially no weaknesses, and exceeds the fullest expectations of IBTCI. 

The proposal has exceeded the expectations of RFP requirements. The offeror has convincingly demonstrated a thorough analysis and evaluation of the requirements, which should lead to outstanding, effective and efficient performance under the resultant subcontract and contains essentially no weaknesses, and exceeds the fullest expectations of the requirement.

VERY GOOD. The proposal demonstrates a level of effort that fully meets the EVALUATION's requirements, and that this effort has produced, or could produce, results which should prove to be substantially beneficial to the project. The proposal may or may not have any weaknesses.

GOOD. The proposal meets the requirements. The proposal may contain weaknesses and/or significant weaknesses that are correctable but no deficiencies. If any weaknesses and/or significant weaknesses are noted, they should not seriously affect the offeror's performance. 
The proposal meets the requirements. While there may be some weaknesses and/or significant weaknesses identified within the proposal. If any weaknesses are noted, they should not seriously affect the offeror's performance

MARGINAL. The proposal demonstrates a shallow understanding of the requirements and approach and marginally meets the minimum evaluation standard. The proposal contains weaknesses and/or significant weaknesses and may contain deficiencies. If deficiencies exist, they may be correctable. A rating of "marginal" indicates that, in terms of the specific factor (or subfactor), the proposal marginally meets the standard for minimal but acceptable performance. The offeror may complete the assigned tasks; however, there is at least a moderate risk that the offeror will not be successful. 

UNACCEPTABLE. The proposal fails to meet a minimum requirement and contains major deficiency(cies). The proposal is incomplete, vague, incompatible, incomprehensible, or incorrect as to be unacceptable.

(c)    Cost/Price Evaluation

The cost/price evaluation will be based upon the cost proposal and the supporting narrative provided by the Offeror. No points are assigned to the cost proposal, but IBTCI will evaluate the proposed costs in accordance with FAR 15.404 to determine if they are allocable, allowable and reasonable. No cost evaluation will be performed on proposals determined not to be non-responsive.

Please share your Proposal with the Supporting Documents no later than Sep 25, 2024 5:00 pm EST to:

Attachments (Can be downloaded from the below link):

1.    Statement of Work 
2.    Budget
a.    Budget Template  
b.    Budget Proposal Instructions and Narrative
3.    List of Past Performance
4.    Authorized Geographic Code
5.    Subcontractor Questionnaire
6.    Cover Letter Template
7.    IBTCI General Terms and Conditions
8.    Task Order Prime Contract Flowdowns 

For the vendors questions, please see the responses in the attachments 9 & 10 

Important Notes / مقترحات هامة

Sometimes clients make changes and updates to their tenders; if you want to be notified about any updates, please click the Follow this tender button above.
لمتابعة أي تحديثات تطرأ على هذا الإعلان يرجى الضغط على زر تابعني و إدخال أيميلك
Submitting a bid is an intensive process, and you need to start preparing all the requirements as early as possible. Don't wait, start now.
التقديم على أي مناقصة يتطلب الكثير من العمل و التحضير، عليك أن تبدأ من الأن و عدم الإنتظار لقرب الموعد النهائي
112 days

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